Thursday, October 20, 2016

Snippet number 03 from The Fed Witch book 2 Magical Probi

I could hear the crowd as we approached. We were supposed to gather at the home team side of the field. Flimsy caps and gowns were provided. Many of the other students said it was like High School. Never having been to one of those I had no idea. Cat and I slipped the plastic gowns on over our clothes and grabbed a hat. It was kind of hooky to do this but I could see the benefit. We would be moving on to our own specialties and would have little time to come back here to have one of these. Better to have it now. I peered at the crowd in the stands. I had not seen Grams in three years. I could use a friendly face.

The Director’s assistants the B’s seemed to be in charge out here. They managed to get the lot of us lined up into order. No names would be called. We either graduated or we didn’t. We would march out give and bow and be presented. A few speeches and we could break and find our families. Or at least that was what we were told. Hopefully the speeches wouldn’t be long.

The crowd quieted as the Director stepped up to the podium. She had a nice speaking voice as she began to talk of the code of justice and what graduation meant for all of us. At a prearranged signal we marched out onto the field and stood in back of the director as she wrapped up her speech. To this day I can’t be sure what triggered it. It may have been a rogue Were hunt or Mother Nature giving us the finger but it was a disaster.

There we stood all in a line about to be award our diplomas when a herd or flock of Jackalopes entered the picture. Over fifty of the little buggers came lopping through the ceremony. They got confused by all the people and scattered into the crowd and everything. Caps and gowns went flying as we tried to get away from the little horned devils. All I could do was stand there with my hands over my face. Cat who stood beside me began to laugh so hard she fell to the ground. Director Mills stared at the running animals and shrieking family members. She slowly turned and stared at me. I smiled and gave her a little wave. I was in big trouble.


  1. I'm loving these snippets. Your story line is just great,and your writing style flows and is a joy to read. Being a slow meticulous reader, gotta le you know there's two typos above: 1. second paragraph; find out families. 2. Last paragraph; laugh so had. I know it hasn't passed your betas yet, so, you know, trying to help a little. Keep tapping the keys, your a winner!

  2. Thanks Bill. Yeah, I post the snips unedited. I figure the readers want them now and not two weeks from now. I do try to catch the typos.

  3. You figure correctly! I stumbled onto Michael Anderle' Kurtherian Gambit series on Monday and read itvthis week which lead me to reading this series of yours yesterday and finishing it today. Now I am eagerly waiting to see what mischief Agatha gets into next!

  4. You figure correctly! I stumbled onto Michael Anderle' Kurtherian Gambit series on Monday and read itvthis week which lead me to reading this series of yours yesterday and finishing it today. Now I am eagerly waiting to see what mischief Agatha gets into next!

  5. Curious, do you just classify the Fed witch as paranormal? Wouldn'the it also be considered urban fantasy? By way like Athena but love the Fed Witch so far.

  6. I classify her as paranormal but I do consider it UF. paranormal is a catch all for lots of things on amazon. I have no intention of making this a romance so don't worry about that. there might be some flirting, she is a girl, but no erotic sex like some OTHER paranormal writers. I really don't want my wife laughing at my attempt at that. I am working on the new book I'm 6500 words in and intend to make it another long one. The shorter books is an Athena thing not an Agatha. Thanks for reading! - scott
