Friday, May 6, 2016

In Review, the two most hated words for an author. Good news the book is (almost) available!

The two words that resonate with any Amazon author, and are my new words of horror, are "In Review."

Last night or early this morning I put the New book - Book 6 Imperial Subversion up on Amazon. This morning it is still, in review. I went though this just 2 short weeks ago with the publication of Insurrection (book 5). Now the horror has returned. I will admit that this time, I did have a little box pop up on the screen telling me that my submission could take up to 12 hours to complete. Like it did last time. So, the clock is counting down. Expect the new book 'sometime' this afternoon. That will be just in time for you to skip your nightly meal and curl up to read it. I will change this and post again when it clears - Review.  Hopefully I still have all my hair by then~!

1 comment:

  1. We feel the pain with you. Other authors i follow also have the same problem.
